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Personality Quotes

My mom is a very warm, typical sort of Jewish-mother type. And my dad has a somewhat, um, different personality.
Peter Orszag

At MTV, it's very nice sometimes to be able to be very specific. Specificity really makes a news story interesting because you can color it in that personality.
Tabitha Soren

I think I 'turn off' women. I've a kind of a weird personality. Women may think that I'm a mess.
Ed O'Neill

'Friday' is about hanging out with friends, having fun. I felt like it was my personality in that song.
Rebecca Black

The Tea Party did not run me out. If you know me and my personality, I would welcome the challenge.
Bart Stupak

I look at the artistic process as like experiencing the world, channeling it through your personality and sending it back out there. That's the process.
David Sanborn

People who know your work and know your personality, they know your strengths and weaknesses. A director like Guillermo del Toro, he knows more about me than I do. I trust him when he tells me what part I'm going to be playing in something, because he's envisioned that that can only be done by me. He knows it.
Doug Jones

Actors look at life in a different way. When I meet people, I know that one day I may portray that person or someone like them. It may be a cop or a homeless guy. It helps you to pay more attention to people. Everyone I meet, I retain something from them, something from their personality. It helps me to portray realism in my work.
Mekhi Phifer

If I see something that's extremely challenging, I'm like, 'That seems really hard. Let's try it.' It's just my personality.
Condola Rashad

My way of remaining French was the financing scheme I used for Quest for Fire, with Fox funds, since it started as a 100% American production. The film was not in French and yet was French in style, reflecting my personality.
Jean-Jacques Annaud

I'm not really a political satirist. I don't kid myself. I'm more interested in doing the mannerisms and the personality.
Rich Little

I've got a very behind-the-scenes personality. I don't know how I became a performer. I like to stay discreet, out of the public eye, very low-key.
Leon Redbone

I am a private person and that has always been my personality.
Grete Waitz

I'm kind of a quirky dresser usually. Like today, I'm actually pretty put together, but I dress kind of off sometimes, but that's just part of my personality.
Debbie Gibson

Yeah, I have the detail-obsessed, controlling personality of a novelist, but I somehow ended up writing plays.
Annie Baker

You can't just look at someone and guess their sexuality. There's no point in assuming that every gay man has just one personality type.
Cameron Monaghan

If only Jesus' followers shared his personality. That one shift alone would correct so many of the ridiculous and horrifying things that pass for popular Christianity.
John Eldredge

Nixon was kind of a loner, he had a cold personality.
Earl Butz

Gore will not win a popularity contest, he will not win a personality contest, but he can win an idealogical battle, and he can win a battle of experience.
Susan Estrich

Some of the newer folks in the industry, I'm not sure they are familiar with the term acting. They don't understand what it means to play a character rather than just be a personality.
Kathleen Quinlan

I wanted to be heard myself, which is hard in a household of people who were very showy. It forced me to find myself and define a personality and a way of being different, and that's a thing that's going to help me to survive in a world of many people playing the guitar.
Martha Wainwright

The core of my personality consists of many selves.
Hans Bender

I think there are very few people who have a real style, a real personality, and real beauty.
Marisa Berenson

Wong Kar Wai is a very intense character, very personable, and I believe in general he does not like and he would not want his actors to show their true looks and their true personality on screen.
Andy Lau

You have to be savvy to be a celebrity. You have to create a personality and shove that out. It just seems fatuous to me. Professionally, it's a good idea. But I can't do it.
Rupert Graves

I don't have the confidence to be a personality.
Zoe Wanamaker

Besides the practical knowledge which defeat offers, there are important personality profits to be taken.
William Moulton Marston

The hypothesis of surviving intelligence and personality - not only surviving but anxious and able with difficulty to communicate - is the simplest and most straightforward and the only one that fits all the facts.
Oliver Joseph Lodge

I have not been on any river that has more of a distinctive personality than does the Missouri River. It's a river that immediately presents to the traveler, 'I am a grandfather spirit. I have a source; I have a life.'
William Least Heat-Moon

The main thing in making your own music is that it's an expression of someone's personality and being. That's what people want to hear, and you can't really teach that - that's just something that comes out. Teaching just hones that.
Michael Kiwanuka


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