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Rainbow Quotes
When you look at the world, the world isn't just one palette. It's a beautiful rainbow, and why not have someone to represent that rainbow?
Joan Smalls

I like to look put together without trying too hard. I don't want to look as if God's made another rainbow - I prefer muted, autumnal colours, like most fading redheads.
Anne Robinson

I had already done Rainbow in Curved Air and had a big record on CBS. I was launched to have a long career and then I just dropped out and went to India.
Terry Riley

I go back and forth, but I never wanted to be the photographer of the gay and lesbian community. I will wave a rainbow flag proudly, but I am not a singular identity. I think a singular identity isn't very interesting, and I'm a little bit more multifaceted as a person than that.
Catherine Opie

It was the rainbow gave thee birth, and left thee all her lovely hues.
W. H. Davies

If you take myth and folklore, and these things that speak in symbols, they can be interpreted in so many ways that although the actual image is clear enough, the interpretation is infinitely blurred, a sort of enormous rainbow of every possible colour you could imagine.
Diana Wynne Jones

In Hollywood, the rainbow hits the ground for composers.
Hoagy Carmichael

I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.
Robert Bridges

The Lord survives the rainbow of His will.
Robert Lowell

I kind of view everybody like a rainbow. Everybody on the planet has all the colors of the rainbow inside.
Alexia Fast

I'd love a werebear. But I guess you need that seductive element of danger. And though bears can be dangerous, when you say werebear it just sounds kind of cuddly. Probably has a rainbow on his belly.
Kandyse McClure

Martin Freeman is a genius, he really is. He gives you every color of the rainbow in every take and it's wonderful just to play off of him and opposite him.
Lara Pulver

The horns came riding in like the rainbow masts of silver ships.
Peter S. Beagle

Michael came home and asked, Would you like to write a song with me? I got this idea for a title called A Kiss at the End of a Rainbow. So we had a couple glasses of wine and wrote it.
Annette O'Toole


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