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Richard Armitage Quotes

A terrorist is one who kills innocents for the pursuit of a political aim.
Richard Armitage 

Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age.
Richard Armitage 

I don't know if, at the end of the day, how brave Saddam Hussein would be if he were stripped of his bodyguards and everything else.
Richard Armitage 

I must say I've rarely been described as 'diplomat.'<
Richard Armitage 

I think most conflicts do end with negotiated settlements; some don't, but most do.
Richard Armitage 

I think what Osama bin Laden does is to take the fact that some peoples lack hope and lack opportunity, and twist it to his own ends.
Richard Armitage 

I think, as a general matter, clearly, the United States globally supports the development of democracy and the democratic yearnings of all people.
Richard Armitage 

I value my ability to keep state secrets.
Richard Armitage  

I'd say that, to be a good deal maker, you have to have 3 basic characteristics - timing, timing, and timing.
Richard Armitage 

I'm the only honest person in Washington.
Richard Armitage  

Iran has interest in seeing that the Shia population of Iraq basically adhere to a line that comes from Iran.
Richard Armitage  

Let's face it, the Obama administration was handed a pretty poor deal from the previous administration.
Richard Armitage 

North Korea is not an insane nation. It is not a crazy nation.
Richard Armitage 

The campaign against terrorism is going to be global and it's going to be long and there's reason to expect there will be difficulties along the way.
Richard Armitage 

We've had Saudis and Jordanians and Pakistanis who have - and Syrians - who have been involved in armed attacks against coalition forces in Iraq.
Richard Armitage 

What could be better in al-Qaeda's mind than to have India and Pakistan going at each other? What more to further their aims?
Richard Armitage 

Whenever you're out of town, no matter modern communications, you feel a little bit out of touch.
Richard Armitage 


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