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Christina Applegate Quotes

Christina Applegate Quotes
My dream is to have a house on the beach, even just a little shack somewhere so I can wake up, have coffee, look at dolphins, be quiet and breathe the air.
                          Christina Applegate 

There are a lot of sacrifices a mother makes when she's raising a child by herself. I saw it when I was growing up, watching all my mother did for me. But it wasn't until recently that I fully understood the price she paid because of how we had to struggle.
Christina Applegate 

I love Christmas. I really do love Christmas. I love being with my family and I love snow. I love the music and the lights and all of it.
Christina Applegate

Every single kid in my group of friends at school was from a single-parent family.
Christina Applegate

I don't want to raise a child by myself. I could do it. But I definitely don't want to. I want to be a mother who has the original father there.
Christina Applegate 

I got off on the fact that a guy would be so into me from the get-go without really knowing me. That's probably why I had so many bad relationships.
Christina Applegate 

I think maintaining relationships with my friends, my mother, my manager, they're all important.
Christina Applegate 

I wasn't one to go out and buy a new car and stereo system and expensive clothes. My mom helped keep me grounded.
Christina Applegate 

I'm a grown-up now, and I value the training I had.
Christina Applegate 

The person who I have my child with is going to be the right person.
Christina Applegate

I started doing radio commercials for Kmart when I was 4. They had to splice all my consonants together because I couldn't talk very well. But these jobs helped my mother and me put food on the table. It took the two of us working.
Christina Applegate 

I think another problem people have is they are always searching for that high, and they don't realize they can get that same high with that same person again.
Christina Applegate 

It was not easy for my mother, being a struggling actress and raising a child. We were these two sort of vagabonds, never knowing where the money was going to come from. She always says she couldn't afford a babysitter, which is why she put me on the stage.
Christina Applegate 

The holidays are also a time when people freak out about their finances. If you don't want to spend the money, why not try some of the other options instead of killing a bunch of animals?
Christina Applegate


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